What Do You Know About Arabic Language ?....

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From few days, i was chatting with a friend from USA and he asked me about my mother language...Arabic...and if it has some importance as the other worldwide languages like English or French.... so, i guess it'll be a good idea to talk a little bit here about that fascinating language and show some points maybe not known for many about it..

First of all,...Arabic is the official language of over 20 countries, and the mother tongue of over 300 million people as it’s spoken throughout the Middle East, from Morocco to Iraq.....and actually, because Arabic is the language of the Koran and Islam, it’s understood by more than 1.2 billion people across the world.
Due to recent geopolitical events, Arabic has catapulted to the top of the list of important world languages. Even in countries where Arabic isn’t the official language, people are scrambling to master this important and vital global language.
For people in North America and Europe, at first glance Arabic seems like a difficult language to master; after all, it isn’t a Romance language and doesn’t use the Latin alphabet. However, like any other language, Arabic is governed by a set of rules, and when you master these rules, you’re able to speak Arabic like a native speaker!
Anyway,...There are basically three different types of Arabic: Koranic Arabic, local dialects, and MSA.
Koranic Arabic is the Arabic used to write the Koran, the holy book for Muslims. This form of Arabic is very rigid and hasn’t changed much since the Koran was written approximately 1,500 years ago. Koranic Arabic is widely used in religious circles for prayer, discussions of Islamic issues, and serious deliberations. Its usage is limited primarily within a strict religious context. It’s the equivalent of Biblical English.
The regional dialects are the most informal type of Arabic. They tend to fall into three geographical categories: the North African dialect (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, and Libya); the Egyptian dialect (Egypt, parts of Syria, Palestine, and Jordan); and Gulf Arabic (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates). Even though the words are pronounced differently and some of the everyday expressions differ dramatically from region to region, speakers from different regions can understand each other. The common denominator for the regional dialects is that they’re all based on MSA
Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is the most widely used and understood form of Arabic in the world. It’s less rigid than Koranic Arabic but a bit more formal than the local dialects. MSA is the language that Arabic anchors use to present the news, professionals use to discuss business and technical issues, and friends and families use to socialize with one another.

Finally,...i guess that you may be surprised if i tell you that you already know some Arabic !! and that is what i talk about and show in the next post..

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What Do You Know About Arabic Language ?....
You Already Know a Little Arabic

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